

A Genealogical Study


Goldberg (En)






Goldberg (Fr)





It is impossible to acknowledge every contact I make within each family, simply as there are so many, and it would defeat the object of the section. The following are those who have contributed most to the advancement of the family tree and family history, and why. We are all heavily indebted to you, and to everyone else who has contributed by any means.


  • Yefim Briskman of New York, for spending a number of hours in Summer 2007 researching the Tarakhovskii family in Ukrainian microfilms, thereby taking the genealogy back to c.1770. As well as providing scores of new branche for the family tree, this information also provided some very probable solutions to various mysteries I've encountered since I first looked at this side of my family in the mid-1990s. This is a most incredible achievement, considering how hard it has been to trace this family for so long, and also considering that Yefim is not related to the family in any way. My gratitude to him cannot be understated.

  • Keith Brown of Vancouver, Canada, for providing enough information to track down the entire Tarakhovskii family.

  • Yury Tarahovsky of Pushchino, near Moscow, for responding so warmly to my e-mails, providing photos and stories from a branch of the Tarakhovskii family that even Raie Kaitiff did not know existed! Never did I imagine that we could have cousins still in Russia, retaining the Tarakhovskii surname (using various transliterations) in the 21st century!!

  • Doreen and the late Sid Silver of Liverpool, for providing photos and recollections, and hosting a wonderful family reunion in July 2002.

  • Joel Kaitiff of Liverpool, for allowing me access to his research, including work done by Raie Kaitiff and Sally Baratz in the early 1980s, as well as being the first of the Tarakhovskii family to be contacted by our branch in many a decade.

  • Hillel Harris of Edenbridge, Kent, for providing numerous photos, buying certificates and suggesting all sorts of theories but, most of all, for suggesting to my dad that I create a website for the family history!! The result is a project far bigger than I could ever have imagined - thanks Hill!

  • The late Beatrice Kapper and family of Milwaukee, WI, for providing photos, recollections and boundless enthusiasm!

  • Joan Tarachow of Milwaukee, WI, for providing photos, genealogical data and, most importantly, for putting me in touch with Yury Tarahovsky in Russia!

  • Keith Munro of Birkenhead, Wirral, and Jeff Kaiser of Morton Grove, IL, for providing a translation of the Russian inscription on the reverse of the photo of Gitl and Nyunya.

  • My beloved father, Norman Marks, for being so desperate to find his roots and inspiring me to achieve so much.

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