The following is a list
of those members of the Gutman Group families who are
listed on
the 1881 Census of England and Wales, at
amongst those living in England and Wales on 3 April 1881. They are
listed with the spellings used on the census search.
TNA Reference |
RG11 / 488 / 40, Page 1 |
Address |
1 Coborn Street, Bow, London,
Middlesex |
Name |
Rel'ship to Head |
Marital Status |
Age |
Occupation |
Place of Birth |
Rose, Abraham |
Head |
Married |
31 |
Tailor |
Cailish, Poland
(BS) 1 |
Rose, Fanny |
Wife |
Married |
27 |
[not listed] |
Cailish, Poland
(BS) 1 |
Rose, Albert |
Son |
Unmarried |
8 |
Scholar |
Middlesex |
Rose, Elsie |
Daughter |
Unmarried |
6 |
Scholar |
Middlesex |
Rose, Myer |
Son |
Unmarried |
3 |
Scholar |
Middlesex |
Rose, Michael |
Son |
Unmarried |
1 |
Scholar |
Middlesex |
TNA Reference |
RG11 / 4517 / 19, Page 22 |
Address |
7 Lower Templar Street, Leeds,
Yorkshire |
Name |
Rel'ship to Head |
Marital Status |
Age |
Occupation |
Place of Birth |
Samuels, Henry |
Head |
Married |
50 |
Boot &
slipper maker, employing 6 men |
Dobginski, Poland
2 |
Samuels, Hannah |
Wife |
Married |
45 |
[not listed] |
Germany |
Samuels, Fanny
3 |
Daughter |
Married |
25 |
Tailor's wife |
Germany |
Samuels, Lewis |
Son |
Unmarried |
22 |
Slipper maker |
London, Middlesex |
Samuels, Joseph |
Son |
Unmarried |
19 |
Slipper maker |
London, Middlesex |
Samuels, Leah |
Daughter |
Unmarried |
17 |
Tailor's machinist |
London, Middlesex |
Samuels, Rachel |
Daughter |
[not listed] |
14 |
Tailor's machinist |
London, Middlesex |
1 |
This is taken to be an
abbreviation for "British Subject", implying that
the family had been naturalised. However, no
evidence of any naturalisation has been found. As
it is known Fanny was definitely not born in Kalisz, the accuracy of the census
return is clearly poor, and it should not be inferred that Abraham and
Fanny were naturalised. |
2 |
When I made enquiries
into this town, I was told unequivocally that this is a surname -
Dobrzynski - not a town, and this is the evidence on which the
assumption of the Dobrzynski surname has been made. It is assumed that
the census enumerator made the error. |
3 |
It is not known why Fanny is
listed in this, her parents' household, as well as
with her own young family in London. It could be
suggested that she was visiting her parents on the
day of the census, but that Abraham ensured she was
enumerated in London in her absence. |