

A Genealogical Study


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In 1978, Serge Klarsfeld published lists and background information on the succession of convoys deporting French Jews to concentration camps from 1942-4. Below are the entries relating to the four convoys which transported Goldberg family members in 1942.



CONVOY 6 – 17 JULY 1942


This convoy left the Pithiviers camp with a contingent of 809 men and 119 women, totalling 928 deported persons. A telex from the headquarters of the Sipo-SD (the Nazi police) of Orléans confirmed this on 18 July to the anti-Semitic section (IVJ) of the Gestapo in Paris. It also specifies that, amongst the deportees, 193 Jews and Jewesses were sent by the headquarters of the Sipo-SD of Dijon, and 52 others came from the Orléans headquarters itself. The telex added that two original lists were given to the head of the convoy, gendarmerie lieutenant Schneider.


The list of names is in an almost illegible state. It is on peeling paper and the names are nearly indecipherable; the carbon copy is violet in colour. They specify the surname, the first name, the date and the place of birth, the profession and the town of residence. The spelling of the names is extremely unorthodox.


Most of the deportees came from the Parisian region.


The nationality is not specified. But in skim-reading the places of birth of the deportees, it noted that, in their great majority, they were from Polish localities.


The most common age-group is between 33 and 42 years (550 out of 928 deportees). Of the adolescents between 16 and 22 years accompanying their parents, 141 can be counted. There are even some children younger still, such as Marie-Louise Warenbron, born in Paris on 27 April 1930 and who was only 12., and Rebecca Nowodworski, born in Luxembourg on 13 September 1928, and who was not yet 14.


Two Gestapo documents relate to this convoy: XXVb-65 on 14 July and the regulation telex (XXVb-75) of 17 July, addressed from Paris by the anti-Semitic section of the Gestapo to Eichmann in Berlin, to the Inspection of the camps at Oranienburg and to the commandant of Auschwitz. In this telex, it is indicated that the convoy left Pithiviers on 17 July at 6.15am with 928 Jews, of which 119 were women.


On their arrival at Auschwitz, on 19 July, the 809 men received numbers 48880 to 49688 and the 119 women numbers 9550 to 9668.


There were, in 1945, 18 survivors of this convoy.



Name Date of Birth Place of Birth
Najman, Mordka 22 May 1901 Brezigny






This convoy left the Bourget/Drancy station on 14 September, under the direction of oberfeldwebel Möller, destined for Auschwitz. It is confirmed by a telex written by SS member Heinrichsohn, signed by his superior, Röthke. This telex was addressed, like the previous ones, to Eichmann, to the Inspection of the KZ and to the commandant of Auschwitz.


From the point of view of nationalities, the Germans listed them: 447 unspecified (the Germans, in their haste to get the convoy to leave more quickly, did not identify the date and place of place, i.e. the nationality), 220 Polish, 85 Turks, 73 Hungarians, 55 Russians, 40 Romanians, 37 French, 19 Germans, 14 Dutch, 8 Yugoslavs, 7 Austrians, 7 stateless people, 6 Czechs, 5 Lithuanians, 4 Belgians, 2 Slovaks, 1 Sarrois and 1 Letton.


This list, on peeling paper, is in very bad condition; as with many of the others, a magnifying glass is needed to decipher the numerous names.


There are about 640 men and 340 women in this convoy, in which 60 children can be counted (without forgetting those found amongst the 220 deportees whose age has been ignored).


This list is compiled with the help of seven sub-lists:


1. Drancy: Deals especially with Jews resident in Paris; 550 men and women. The details indicated are surnames, first names, dates and places of birth, nationalities, professions and addresses.


2. Last minute deportees: Deals with 83 people, men and women. For the most part, the only details that exist between them, apart from the surname and first name are the camp or village of their internment (Compiègne, La Lande, Poitiers, Nice). A certain number of children are definitely found in this list, because families can be identified, such as four Freiser and four Herzkowitz.


3. Chalons: 20 people of diverse nationalities. One child of 3 years, Gisèle Blech.


4. Toulouse-Montluçon: 140 people, amongst those many families, such as the seven Abisch, including their three children, Maurice (aged 11), Marie (8) and Adèle (5); such as Otto (32) and Suzanne (23) Hauser and their daughter, Myriam (2).


5. Compiègne: 133 surnames and first names without dats or places of birth. This deals only with adult men.


6. La Lande: 57 people, amongst those many families: Felix (38) and Marie (33) Batista and their three children, Fanny (10), Charles (6) and Cécile (3); Maza Reiter (39) and her four children, Hélène (12), Félicie (10), Jacqueline (8) and Marcel (3).


7. Belfort: 25 people, of which there were 8 Dutch. Amongst those, a baby of one year old, Dora Topelberg.


On their arrival at Auschwitz on 16 September, 58 men were selected, who received numbers 63898 to 63953, and 49 women, who received numbers 19772 to 19820. The rest of the convoy was gassed immediately, with the exception of the men who were selected before arrival at Auschwitz, at Kosel (see end of note on Convoy 24). One of the survivors, Ernest Nives, who lives today in New York, confirmed to us that, having left on this convoy, he was selected with over a hundred fit men at Kosel.


In 1945, to our knowledge, there were around 45 survivors of this convoy.



Name Date of Birth Place of Birth Nationality
Najman, Sarah 8 Nov 1909 Lodz Polish






The Nord and Pas-de-Calais départements were under the authority of German military command in Belgium and northern France. It was the case, therefore, that Jews arrested in these two départements were transferred to Malines, the Belgian Drancy, and deported from there towards Auschwitz. The count was only accurate for the children of the convoy of 15 September 1942. In extrapolating the figures obtained, it can be reasonably thought that less than 1000 French Jews were deported via Belgium.



Name Date of Birth Place of Birth
Gornecki, Jacob 15 May 1887 Ozorkow
Gornecki, Elia 20 Sep 1887 Lodz
Gornecki, Bernard 14 Dec 1928 Lille
Gornecki, Sarah 30 Nov 1925 Lille






On 18 September, a telex from the anti-Semitic service of the Gestapo informed Eichmann in Berlin that, on 21 September at 6.15am, a convoy of 1000 French Jews would leave the Pithiviers camp for Auschwitz (XXVb-165) and that the director of anti-Semitic French police, Schweblin, would resign (?) at Pithiviers. This telegram, written by the SS member Heinrichsohn, was signed by his superior, Röthke.


The official telex from the Gestapo to Eichmann and to Auschwitz was also written by Heinrichsohn and signed by Ahnert. It clarified the departure of convoy D 901/30 was set for 21 September at 6.15am and that it would deport 1000 Jews towards Auschwitz, under the direction of stabsfeldwebel Ringel (XXVc-173). The other documents concerning the convoy are dated 21 September (XXVc-171) and 1 October (XXVc-191).


The convoy deported 532 men, 462 women and 6 of unspecified gender. The ages were older: 306 men between 47 and 64 years, 150 men between 17 and 47 years, 163 children younger than 18 months, 105 young men and 48 young girls from 16 to 21.


A paper, included with the list, indicates that the convoy consisted of 1015 “unbestimte” (unspecifieds). This is incorrect, because it is possible to count the hundreds of French people, particularly the children born in France of foreign parents. In total, we have identified 540 French people from 1007 surnames of the deportees, mostly resident in Paris.


The list is in very bad condition; it was not set out in alphabetical order, but by barracks. It is divided into sub-lists, corresponding to the barracks at the Pithiviers camp: the men’s barracks (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 15, 16, 17) and the barracks of women and children (9-14, 18).


Certain women were deported with their children, such as Andrée Dveyler (aged 42), born in Clermont, and her four daughters, also born in France, Evelyne (13), Françoise (12), Jacqueline (19) and Madeleine (16); such as Laetitia Gattegno (31), and her two children, André (6) and Eliane (2); like Lucie Cohen (41), and her two children, Marcel (12) and Maurice (11); such as Sarah Navon (37), and her two daughters, Andrée (6) and Suzanne (4); such as Lea Furmanski (46) and her three children, Esther (15), Bernard (10) and Adolphe (6); such as Elise Ben Racasser (48) and her three children, Eliane (17), Yolande (15) and Claude (14); such as Esther Kaim (38), and her five children, Lydie (13), Roger (12), Edmond (9), Arlette (5) and Hélène (2); such as Esther Szatten (44) and her six children, Reine (17), Lydia (14), Florine (13), Carmen (11), Mireille (10) and Serge (9).


This convoy arrived at Auschwitz on 23 September. More than 150 men were selected before arrival at Auschwitz, at Kosel, and set off again to the labour camps (see note for Convoy 24). At Auschwitz, the same occurred, 65 men were retained for work and received numbers 65356 to 65420. It was the same for 144 women, numbered 20566 to 20709. The rest of the convoy was gassed immediately. One survivor, our friend Henri Pudeleau, told us there were about eight escapes along the route of the convoy; in particular, one was injured and put back in the wagon, but died before arrival. In 1945, there were 23 survivors of this convoy.



Listed in Barrack 8:


Name Date of Birth Place of Birth Address
Parze czewski, Szlama 1884 Lodz 140 rue Ménilmontant, Paris




Translated from the French by Saul Marks. Source: Klarsfeld, S (1978), “Le Mémorial de la Déportation des Juifs de France”, Beate Klarsfeld Foundation, Paris. No ISBN.

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